The Gathering Of The Bricklayers

In September of 2016, the Lord told me that it was time for the fearless bricklayers to gather on one accord.  He gave me further instructions that I could only extend this special invitation to only 70 women.  He was going to establish, position and fortify these 70 handpicked women. He told me to look up the biblical significance of the number 70.  It’s the combination of two perfect numbers seven and ten and it signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with spiritual power and significance.  It was time for us to fearlessly build in our respective territories that God has called each of us to and he was going to prepare and release us on this special day.

On Saturday, November 5th, 2016 God’s handpicked fearless bricklayers gathered with their “word and scriptural support”.  We had fasted and prayed for thirty days prior to our gathering and God did exactly what he said he was going to do.  It was spiritually breathtaking.  There will be future gatherings in the near future.  Will you be in the number?

Testimonials from Fearless Bricklayers:


Thank you for your obedience. I knew God would meet me yesterday at the conference. And guess what–He thinks I’m amazing!

When I hear the word amazing and think on the Lord, I think about him and how great he is, his wonder and his power.

Yet yesterday as my sisters sang Amazing, I heard “I’m amazing”…at first I thought, of course you are Lord… Then I realized He was speaking through me to me. I finally received…it was the Lord telling me He thinks I’m amazing…and the joy of the Lord came upon me because I understood the greater depth and breadth of the love God has for me… I understood the revelation of HANDPICKED…

When you go through fire after fire… challenge after challenge…attack after attack…it wears you down, you get tired. As as a believer you speak over yourself and you try to maintain your faith and build your self esteem.

Yet the process weighs you down,  you do get weary, weak, sick and tired. The negativity affects you. You become broken. And you question your worth. And you feel like you have to prove something–everything–to yourself, family, and the world. At least that’s how I felt…So 2 administration degrees and 2 insurance licenses later, I still felt unaccomplished.

Yet yesterday brought back to my remembrance how as a child I heard His voice. And how the word says he knew me before I was formed. How he has delivered me all these years…That He has always been there… But WHY???

Because He thinks I’m amazing. And I am because of all he has placed in me…I am because of Him… I’m HANDPICKED and GOD APPROVED.

So I don’t have prove anything to anyone else including myself because God has approved me…he loves me….he thinks I’m amazing! And that, that is more than enough, that is sufficient.

My brick is discipline which is a way of behaving that shows a willingness to obey the rules. Basically it is about order and obedience.

As you reconfirmed my gift is administration, which is about implementing and maintaining order in the governance of the body and kingdom.

So I am ordained to bring order which is why I’m oftentimes surrounded by chaos… through God’s testing and attack of the enemy. And discipline, being ordered and obeying God’s Word is how I and others are to overcome.

So now I know who I am in his sight and my purpose and how to achieve it. I understand why those degrees and every career choice and the experience made and gained.  I understand He is intentional and strategic. I understand my brick and how it applies to my life and this journey.

I am no longer bound to seeking  approval. Or fearful of rejection. No longer afraid of not being good enough… Because I am God Approved. Because he loves me, always has and always will. Because to Him, I’m amazing.

So I can go forth, boldly, in discipline,  teaching and showing others how to operate in order and obedience and handle the affairs of our Father’s house and kingdom.

I am, now and forevermore, FEARLESS!

Love you with ALL my heart,

I knew that I was supposed to go to Bricklayers last year when it was announced. I immediately thought, “It’s the first one! I have to support my sister!” But if I’m honest, I was in a place of struggle. I was in transition and didn’t know it. All I knew for sure was that I needed to get there. I followed the instructions – fasted, prayed and wrote my words on the brick. I even did a video about my words. Little did I know, God was getting ready to shift me right into my next. I got to the event and God went to work immediately. From the moment Prophetess picked up the mic, He worked. Before it was over, He had changed my word, restored my zeal and given me instruction to my destiny. I am not being overly dramatic when I say that Bricklayers was the catapult to the next stage of my life. I can look back at what happened there and check off what God has done. Within a matter of days, the word that I was given began to manifest and I saw evidence of what was imparted into me. Listen! Get there. Go with an expectant heart and a willingness to be shifted and corrected so that when you build, your foundation is sure. I am a witness that your life will never be the same.