Nakia the Gamechanger

Game changer is defined as “a newly introduced element or factor that changes an existing situation or activity in a significant way.” – Merriam Webster

Games of all types, have been around for centuries. Games that test our physical and mental ability as well as our spiritual maturity.  Games are governed by a set of rules that yield a desired result. Think about it.  Who set these rules?  More importantly, who developed the game?  Spiritually some of us are playing “games” that we were never designed to play.

As such, we are sitting on the sidelines or in the stands watching the manifestation of the “games” that we are supposed to be the star players of.  Aren’t you tired of seeing someone else play your position?  Aren’t you sick of seeing someone else making the move that you were created to make?

Whether Prophetess, Attorney or Professor, Nakia believes that she as well as all daughters of Zion have been predestined and preordained to be gamechangers.   The ugly spirit of fear has paralyzed us right out of our God-given destiny either temporarily or permanently.  The status of our destiny is determined by us.

It’s time for us to face our fears and get to changing these games!  It’s time to be “rule breakers” and “new rule makers”.  We must be willing to evaluate who we are as opposed to who we are supposed to be. What spirits, curses, demons, hex and/or spells are holding us back?   We must pray, we must fast, we must study and we must believe that it’s our season and it our time to walk in our destiny as gamechangers.  Ladies, the world is waiting on us.  More importantly, God is waiting on us. Will you join me?