The Birthing of the Fearless Bricklayers "While preparing for a prayer call, God gave me a prophetic vision. What resulted from what he showed me has blown my mind!"


Prophetic Vision

God gave me a vision of women as far as my eyes could see.  There were hundreds, maybe even thousands.  Each woman was on her own parcel of land feverishly building a brick wall with a discipline that was unparalleled. Each wall was of different heights and lengths.  Each parcel of land was found in a different climate and each woman was dressed appropriately. There would be a woman building a wall on her parcel in spring attire, while her sister would be building on her parcel of land in winter attire. Different women, on different parcels in different climates, adjoined for miles and miles.

The bricks that the women were using to build their walls were like none that I had ever seen before. These bricks were of all different shapes, sizes and colors.  Each brick was also inscribed with different scriptures and words that represented the “bricklayer” and her journey from fear to fearlessness!


and Revelation

God revealed to me that the bricks represented various parts of each woman’s life. Their past and present and future. There was a demolition of each woman’s “wall” that had occurred due to fear and each woman he showed me was in the midst of the rebuilding process.  This fear that lead to the destruction had resulted from various situations that had taken place in their lives.  Situations that resulted from the intimidation and deception of Satan.  God revealed to me that although their “wall” has been destroyed,  he had handpicked these very women to be his spiritual “bricklayers”.

Bricklaying, which is a trade dominated by men, is hard work but the finished product can last a lifetime.   God spoke the following:

“The bricklayers are those women that will take part in the prayer call.  I have designed [each woman] from birth to be durable in the spiritual realm.  They are unshakable in the spirit but the spirit of fear knocked their wall down.  Their foundation was not stable as it was not built on me but penetrated by fear.

IT IS TIME TO REBUILD and my word will cover every brick which represents every fiber of their being.  Not only to rebuilding but in the territories (the individual parcels of lands) that I have placed them on.   This time fear WILL NOT be their foundation, but POWER, LOVE and DISCIPLINE regarding the things that concerneth me that are found in my Word.  My Word being found on the bricks represents protection from the elements. Protection from the wilds and schemes of the enemy.

That as each woman walk in power, love and discipline, their very character will transform, their mindset will transform and their heart will transform.  As they begin to study my word, I will bring revelation to them.  As they begin to study my Word, they will being to transform their very being.

THIS TIME, your wall will keep out what it is supposed to be kept out and keep in what is supposed to be kept in as the HOLY SPIRIT is the mortar that is going to hold each brick together!”

Whew!  God has given a clarion call, that it is time for his bricklayers to gather and build on the foundation that he has been laying in each of us through the I AM FEARLESS prayer conference call.